Archive for March, 2008


March 31, 2008












March 20, 2008
I personally feel very regret to claim that I am a nationalism, and I hereby would like to apologize for this improper behavior and withdraw these words.
I admit that violence could by no ways to solve any problem, vituperation and quarrel would never convince opposite as well.
Besides, I personally not quite admit the authority blaming Dalai Lama as the demagogue of this incident.
A useful link which I think is justice and neutrally enough.
Thanks for my brother Zen for his sincerely suggestion.
Regards to him, and we all still very curious about your personal life~~~
btw, you must have said something that CCP dislike, and your space could not be able to load within mainland China now…

Some words for Tibetans

March 18, 2008
I’ve got some confirmed information that hundreds of Han people in Lhasa were killed by Tibetan in the riot last week. Dozens of times more than fatal of Tibetans.
Quoted from a blog, for those Tibetans who are not satisfied with current situation.
If you behave well, we’ll protect your culture and benefits,

If you behave badly, we’ll still take care of your culture … by putting it in a museum.

I will not hesitate to claim that I am a nationalism, and the scence above has exceeded my limit!!!

Disgusting Honky Get Away from My Tibet!

March 15, 2008

Recent reports put Tibet issue into a hot water again. As democratic fighters all over the world are no longer able to fall asleep when there Tibetan brothers are suffering huge pain from Han people.

Compared with the attitude they showed on the issue of a potential air disaster happened week ago, that’s indeed a huge curious and what a ridiculous comparison!

This reminds me about the entirely two-end attitude which was made by Europe Union towards Abkhazia (a part of Georgia) and Kosovo (a part of Serbia), when EU built up a website to show their support to the independent of Kosovo, they expressed their deep concern when Russia may be preparing Abkhazia recognition. How you could announce that you always treat a region as a part of a country, as Abkhazia to Georgia, while strongly support the other region to become independent from a country, as Kosovo to Serbia?!

When rumors suggested an 18-years-old Uigur girl was occupied setting a fire by gasoline in lavatory of a cruising plane en route from Urumqi to Beijing, those western presses were all questioning the truth of the incident. They are just like a spectator, someone presenting a face that this matter was none of there business, while others doubting the motivation of the incident to be throw under daylight. They were crazy concocting that China authority fabricated this incident in order to crackdown the so called poor Uigur, and also a plea to rule people over country. When glancing at news around this issue, you could hardly find out the sense of justice from those honkies. You feel as if the people aboard, and the life of Han people is so cheap and worthless, and maybe every measures put into civil aviation are not intending to protect Chinese people but all intrigues to persecute Minorities. Maybe, I don’t know as I have never had an experience living long abroad. So maybe the measures such like liquid limitation, finger print collection system in western country are not intrigues to persecute people but a symbol that their government are loving their people, are intending to protect their people.

But referring to the Tibet riot, these western presses turned into democratic and human rights fighters immediately, as they are suffering crackdown themselves. They pointed Chinese authority should do this, shouldn’t do that. They feared of this, feared of that, someone (John Ackerly of The International Campaign for Tibet) feared "hundreds of Tibetans have been arrested and are being interrogated and tortured". Fxuk Off! How ridiculous! I tried dozens of possibilities but still not able to find out a reason that why this nasty honky should pay so much concern on Tibetan issues?! He is a Tibetan? Or he is a relative to Tibetan? If not, could I ask you to keep a distance to this Chinese domestic issue? It’s none of your business, thanks.

I indicated in my precious blog that we Chinese are not able and will never follow the western standard of democratic and human right. As honkies called on every ethnic to have their own right to rule their own country, as Europe fell into pieces, they created Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and now creating Kosovo, they created India, Pakistan along with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and endless conflict, they created Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, dozens of countries in mid-Africa and endless conflict, they create Zambia, Zimbabwe and their endless domestic conflict, they create Sudan Darfur issue and endless conflict. And they never stop fanning the flames in China’s Tibetan and Sinkiang and trying to separate them from china.

As a Deutsch friend told me that European people will no longer able to do great works, we Chinese will not follow the way European gone, as we have a strong authority, and we will never be separated. I admit there are still so many political issues remained to be improved such as democratic and human right, but they are for Chinese themselves, and there is no seat for honky to sit in to discuss. So just GET AWAY and KEEP DISTANCE to our own domestic issue!!!


很久没有用英文写过这么多的东西了,呵呵,感觉还是很好的,这个周末不太太平,Tibet Riot的事情在西方沸沸扬扬,但是相对于前几日的南航航班时间,他们却很冷漠,我真的觉得这种行为非常disgusting,有意思吗?我们的西藏关tmd你们屁事?!我们的国家有自己的政府,我们的西藏我们自己能管好,不管用什么方法管好,都不关你们白人的事情!

Some Crazy Crosswind Landing

March 6, 2008
前几天Lufthansa德国汉莎航空的一架由慕尼黑飞往汉堡的A320飞机在汉堡机场强劲的侧风中以一个非常惊险的翼尖擦地的方式着陆,据说当时操作飞机的是First Officer,还是位女士,这位F/O和机长被德国人称为英雄…
这个航班着陆前被迫Go-round复飞的视频,这飞机在地面像纸片一样被风吹得飘来飘去 (不得不说老外是有些人才,这种场面都能抓到…)

Further info:

The incident happened at  13:55 local time
The flight LH 044 (D-AIQP),  an A320 from MUC (Munich)
The landing runway was 23 LOC-DME (ATIS gave no other option)
after the go-around the pilots elected runway 33 also LOC-DME approach and landed safely but minus the left winglet…
immediately after the incident ATIS gave runway 23 and 33 as well



其实,侧风嘛~很正常了,几乎天天都会有,一个城市的机场的建设,跑道的方向都会参考当地的多年气象资料,参考常见风向来铺设跑道,但是风不可能365天都向一个方向挂,而跑道又不可能转,所以crosswind landing对于飞行员来说应该也是稀松平常的事情了,只不过太夸张的风向条件,就是对广大飞行员的严苛考验了。像北京在晚冬初春的时候,都会有大风天,很多时候,在拍飞机的时候,看到飞机都是横着下来的…困惑



放几个YouTube上的侧风着陆视频,当然有一些也是飞机型号取证时的侧滑测试(Sideslip Tests),吓唬吓唬大家,其中一些着陆都是非常著名以及经典的,比如大韩747在香港老启德机场的那个着陆,飞行员几乎是在离跑道只有几米高度的时候,才尝试校回飞机姿态的…视频中大部分的飞行员都选择了复飞Go-round…应了飞行中的一句格言——你可能会拍到地上出事故,但是却永远不会撞到天花板,所以有情况,拉高度还是大多数情况下正确的选择,当然,你得保证你得起落架没有坏掉…)
