Archive for March, 2010

Why I Don’t Read Chinese Literature. 为什么我不看中文文学了

March 23, 2010

The Qingming Festival is approaching. It is
a day that not only marks the true beginning of spring, but also
reminds me a lot, and a lot more since last year.

I was escorting a delegation visiting China
last March and I took the weekend with my parents to
honour my grandfather
 Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. I was wandering when I was young that why
my grandfather was surnamed as Wang but Shi as were my father and I. Only after
I was 15 years old I became realize that my kind grandfather is not exactly the
father of my daddy. And the elder, who I never had a chance to call grandpa to
him, has since slept at Babaoshan for decades. That smart gentleman in photograph
on cremated remains container was smart, slim and in a suit but not Mao suit
which is much more familiar in Babaoshan. I dreamed many times since I first
met him in year 2000 that I wished to have him sit aside me, telling me his
colourful experience, correcting me my English accent, guiding me on
philosophic issues. However, that dream can never become true.

Last year, daddy tried to clean that
container a bit before we leave, and I will never forget how stunned I was when
he opened that container, the one I thought was sealed and cannot be opened
again, and have me found empty inside. It’s empty though, my daddy murmured to
me. It’s empty, no cremated remains, no grave goods, not even a piece of dust. It
was year 2009 then, after seventy years he and his family devoted almost
everything to liberation and democracy, after forty years he passed away. The
very pioneer of communism revolution in 1940s, the very first batch of
professional diplomat of new found People’s Republic, the exclusive couple along
with my grandmother who can speak fluent English in embassy. We still have no
idea where he is.


Google finally quitted mainland China
today. Yesterday when Obama’s health care bill got passed in congress Bloomberg
was focusing its impact on stock market, especially on medical and insurance
industry. However, along with Bloomberg’s focus to Obama’s bill, it paid a lot
of attention on Google’s spat with China authority, which rumors indicated that
a decision was likely to come out yesterday.


Then this morning, from twitter I got what I
missed midnight yesterday. I’d like to shout bravo to Google! This just shows
the bravery it bears.


In most websites in mainland China,
comments such as get out of China Google, Go hell Google, Come on Baidu or
Shame on Google etc, are full of pages show the official response from Chinese


Most of proponent of Chinese government
mentioned Baidu in their comment, so what on the earth distinguish Baidu and


I believe, or assert if you think I’m
arrogant and in a bias, that the people who is using Baidu are poor at English
and poor at logical thinking.


The user of Baidu is a group of people who
cannot read an English article of 1000 words more, who cannot write an English article
of 1000 words more, who never intent to verify a rumor when come across, whom
never subjected to strict training of logical thinking.


I came across a comment this morning in
Google Reader asking the blogger why she strongly believes that quitting China
is a shame of China but not a shame of Google.


I just replied with a simple question. In a
country while its undergraduates are not able to read, write, listen nor speak English
after learning it for decades, doesn’t he believe that Google’s quitting China
is a shame, or at least a tragedy to this country where its students hardly get
access, voluntarily or involuntarily, to any serious English content but country
itself desperately looks for prosperity and revival.


In an era which a country’s prosperity
relays on people who can read papers from IEEE, Nature or many other academic
organizations and who can read Economist, Financial Times, WSJ, Foreign Affairs,
Harvard Business Review and many other serious periodicals but not those who in
charge of propaganda machines, Google’s quitting China will certainly be a huge
blow to China’s reputation in the world and its tomorrow.


Nevertheless, I concede that authority’s
interest might be met when there is few people who could read English in China.
As there will be no Chinese questioning authority’s bureaucratic propaganda machine.



From many years ago, I started buying
publications from regularly. Although it’s not cheap buying books directly
from US after shipping charge included, the price is nonetheless more
attractive compared with those listed in Beijing Book Mall. In year 2009 I spent
$385 in Amazon and the figure was $367.83 in 2008, $154.24 in 2007, $194.2 in
year 2006 and tens of dollars earlier every year when I was still in college.

许多年以来,我一直定期的在美国亚马逊网站买书。尽管加上运费后难以称得上便宜,不过它的价钱比起北京图书大厦的标价来说还是诱人许多。2009年我花了385美元在亚马逊上,2008年是367.832007年是154.24 2006年是194.2,更早的在大学的时候每年几十美元吧。

Thanks to, I have a broader
knowledge about climate change, next generation energy, WWII, Laissez-faire,
refugee, state aid, art, classic music and etc.


Meanwhile, I could hardly recall the last Chinese
publication I bought. I might be, though I’m not sure, Beijing Beijing by Mr. Tang
Feng. It is hardly a literature, but rather a tool for you to kill time. Full of
nasty word, disrespect of women, arrogant male chauvinism, its yellow cover
even dyed another book of mine. However, I still believe it is a good fiction,
especially in a circumstance that we can hardly get any better Chinese fiction


While I believe literature is a vital bearer
of culture and ideology, we are in an era that there is no room for flourish of
modern subject literature.


During past decades, Chinese came across so
many historical events that influenced generations and changed people
dramatically. Does anybody think it make nonsense for Chinese to review our history,
apart from whether Yongzheng killed his father or whether Du Lala will be
promoted or whether people could marry without any property, but modern history


Beneath the prosperity of Chinese economy
and greater international status, my pity toward our culture, our tradition and
our way ahead of us flooded.



After all, I would like to emphasize my
proponent attitude toward our political structure. Not only because what I previously
indicated that my own destiny was tightly tied with CCP, but also because of
what I told to many foreigners when we travelled together that China, so does
many other Far East Asian countries, has a tradition of centralized authority
and the people lack a bit of democracy concept as well. In such a circumstance,
methodology can play an important role in China’s political structure. In a
point of view based on current political structure of Japan and Singapore, both
of which are de facto one party states although we saw DPJ won National Diet of
Japan last year I personally believe LDP will come back soon as DPJ lacks the
power to push Japan society forward systematically, we see no ground to assert
that one party China must shift to bipartisan or multi-partisan politics in
order to achieve more democracy. What we have to do is to work under the
concept of methodology and to work out, or to design, a way to make the society stable
and build a constitutional country.


March 12, 2010


周四早晨,白白和Vivi发来qq,他们的ASUS Commercial发布了~

They are not among but simply the best friends of mine.











After seven years.













看着呢喃,白白,Vivi的绽放的绚丽的青春,我发自内心的喜悦和敬佩,还有祝福。Be proud of you! So fantastic to have you guy been my friends and I love you!

最后送给我亲爱的Vera,在我们一起携手前进的路上总会有setback,但请你一定要坚定,也要坚韧,with determination, you’ll be able to make everything! I am always standing by your side.

My Kindle DX Show

March 5, 2010

人空虚的时候就很有花钱的冲动…在连续几个月不花钱之后,2月我又冲动了…买了个Kindle DX…
在Amazon网站上买的Kindle DX,9.7寸屏幕,加一个笔记本式皮套,两本一共24美元的实体书,订单564.77美元,UPS快递邮费53.95美元,一共618.72美元,差不多人民币4200多一些,相比于taobao上的基本上都是4k的裸机价(而且国内的kindle基本上都是美版的,采用spirit通信芯片,不是真正的国际版,连网有问题吧…),我觉得我4k2包括皮套和两本书,实在是很划算了。整包寄到香港朋友那里,因为收货地址是香港、日本以及墨西哥的Kindle会将它的Experimental Web Browser激活,但是寄到其它国家的国际版则没有。
本来以为是可以陪团回国然后找个机会去hk取回来,但是黄了…于是让朋友用Hong Kong Post的EMS服务寄回北京(我觉得寄到老巴的话以现政府的风格可能会被征税…),居然两天就寄到…神速…27号送到家,然后被告知3月1日有团组来老巴,28号晚上让太太送到国内同事那里,于是…3月1日…我的Kindle DX就到手了!真是快啊…比我按原计划的亲自去取还要快,而且费用只有香港到北京的快递钱240.
显示的效果非常好,只是翻页稍微慢了一点,但是不影响使用体验,也许不久以后这种电子墨水翻页慢的问题会解决的吧…Experimental Web Browser有很多网站,wiki,google,bbc,cnn,甚至还有espn和lonely planet
text to speech功能非常强大,以我的感觉来说,这机器念小说并不比真人念差多少,在单词和单词的连接之间的突兀感虽然能感觉到但是不影响听感。阅读也有男声和女声可选。
买Kindle DX完全是为了它背后强大的内容资源——主要还是报纸和期刊。我一直认为书除了用来看,看完之后还能装饰家居,显得家的主人是个文化人…所以我觉得我基本上是不太会用kindle来读书的。但是kindle可以很好的解决在国内看外国报纸杂志的问题——一份商业周刊只要一个月1.5美元,并且即便出差,也可以按时通过通信网络发送到你的kindle终端上。比起网站订阅一年上千的费用来说,实在是划算到不行。金融时报一月费用14.99美元,而FT在国内的订阅价是一年港币6500元!当然订阅电子版也不是很贵大约20多美元一个月,但kindle版是没有广告的,而且——as I mentioned before,它按时送到你床头,不论你在哪里,宾馆是否有internet connection。kindle的报纸期刊唯一的明显劣势是——在kindle上订阅之后在出版商那里是得不到检索的权利的,有些遗憾,比如在kindle上订阅了Foreign Affairs,一个月1.99美元,相当于一期4美元不到,一年24美元不到,但是没有进入Foreign Affairs网站检索过往存档文章的权限,而这个权限如果在Foreign Affairs网站订阅杂志的话是自动获得的。同理适用于大部分严肃期刊杂志。不过我也不是研究人员,大概很少会用到检索功能吧…
After all,我觉得这个kindle买的还是很满意的。Nice!