Archive for December, 2008


December 30, 2008
我平静的等待着有关英国的一切消息,寄出了所有的申请,收到了曼大,Shef还有帝国理工的确认,我信心满满,我了解那些我期待的offer一定会来,温暖的图书馆,在暖气边甚至有些燥热,我静静心,发酵着思念,等着一些人的消息,等着amazon uk帮我寄出的礼物…
The Rising Tied [ENHANCED] [EXPLICIT LYRICS], by Fort Minor
那是我给她的圣诞节礼物,为她在uk的第一个节日,她喜欢Linkin Park,pre-order,让她在public release的第一天就拿到它,她写了日志,在相册里加了照片
For me? Yes, I was so happy, full of sweet.
Just now,阳阳在旁边放音乐,听到这首歌,Where’d You Go (feat. Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga),就是space里现在播放的,觉得很好听,要过来,去amazon上查了查,惊奇的发现专辑的封面…
我其实从来没有听过它,either that of Linkin Park,even after she came back from UK。我从没想过我会以这样一种方式重新come across那记忆的片段,想起她,想起那时的我们,想起英国之于我,之于我们的一切不同。
你拍攝的 DSC00553。
Though I am trying to persuade myself to realize that there would be a day I might have to call it a day, this memory, however, is the best gift I get as we all say farewell to an eventful year.
Thank you Irene, for reminds me so many memories, with great bravery, courage, inspiration and motivation.


December 26, 2008





五月,第一次吹酒精测试,张生记的晚餐,那个拥抱,不算意外的意外,曼联英超第十冠,国殇,同事的难处我们都懂,雨中的十渡,火热的烤炉,抛锚的车,深夜的大陆救援,hello kitty的蛋糕,曼联加冕欧洲,启程去非洲的同事,下一个就是我,最后的南昌行;

六月,玛吉阿米的晚饭,Mr. Zhang的航班,公务舱,767的驾驶舱,Log Sheet,星光灿烂的香江,疯狂的刷卡,最后的逍遥,Departure Schedule Confirmed,Tiffany的项链坠,钱柜与大家说再见,雕刻时光的午饭,最后的拥抱,午夜的兰堡,混乱的景象,清爽的清晨,美丽的城市,常驻开始;

七月,左边开车,右边驾驶,左手挂档的civic,狂热的温度,灼人的空气,卖掉了奥运开幕式门票,卡拉奇,Boeing 747-300,模拟器,滚转的感觉,宜人的高速路,宁静的生活,30卢比邮资的明信片,一天停五次电,恶化的膝盖,非常nice的新秀丽店;


九月,斋月,没茶喝的空军司令部,纠结的F1,金融风暴,半死不活的基金,万豪酒店的爆炸,山摇地动,空气中的焦灼味,昏黄夜空中的浓烟,awesome的还能开的陆地巡洋舰,破碎的玻璃,close due to death的告示,红色警戒,随处可见的检查站,坚强的民族,怒放的薰衣草;


十一月,amazon寄来的书和CD,背完3000个单词,20条领带轮流扎,卡拉奇的solo night,延误两小时的airblue的A321,很好的机长还有驾驶舱,depress的清晨,再下卡拉奇,新飞机,无尽的蚊子;

十二月,常驻半年了,宰牲节,伊斯兰的新年,挂掉的相机,老板到访,大合同挺顺利,一副石头的国际象棋,Canon & Gigue In D,playstation3,又开始停电了,告诉自己要努力,梦想实现不轻松,一点小心情,想念去年元旦在后海酒吧的晚上……



Happy New Year~


December 23, 2008

Somebody argued that boss can edit whatever his or her employee write for business as he or she wishes and this is a method to build manager’s authority, while others hold position that if boss cannot write as well as employee, he or she should pay enough respect to his or her employee’s article as this express respect, trust and affirmation along with encouraging a good enterprise culture. In my point of view, to large extent I support the later opinion as giving a proper respect to employee’s work has nothing to do to lower leader’s reputation but build manager’s prestige.


In one aspect, it is commonly acknowledged that younger generation may has better education than older people which means junior staff may has a better environment and chance to be better trained in some essential business techniques than senior manager. Obviously writing business letter is most vital skills a business man should have among all business abilities. By applying Opening Policy for past thirty years and arranging more resource for education in decades, students in China have had much more sources and opportunities to be well educated in English and Business related subjects than ever before, many among them even had taken some foreign English test such as IELTS, TOEFL that has a more crucial standard for test takers to achieve, which leads to a significant progress of their English business writing skills than those of people graduated two decades ago.


Apart from above, it is also to be estimated that in a healthy progressing company, the average quality of staffs joined same year should increase gradually as well which suggest that a higher possibility that junior staff could write better than senior manager in view by grammar and sentence.


Moreover, the senior managers’ viewpoint towards their junior staffs’ writing could probably affect the relationship between management and staff and then eventually contribute or harm teamwork as well as company’s development. Although I do admit that junior staffs are lacking business experience than their senior managers which will cause some problem in their wording and expression, it is really important that senior managers to focus only on faulty aspect of their juniors writing and pay full respect to its better aspect as this will be a wonderful chance for seniors to communicate with juniors and initiate experiences. On the contrary, if senior managers are about to edit a very well-organized article which only has a few improper wording and expression outrageously and regard this as a way to build their own prestige, in most cases, it is likely to behave like a double-edge sword that cuts both way as not only hurt well-skilled junior staffs’ feeling but also damage senior managers’ reputation.


In conclusion, senior managers should always be aware to what extent they should respect their junior staffs’ ability and recognize their staffs’ better work, as this is vital to build up a better and healthier enterprise culture and encourage juniors to move forward as well. To juggle an elegant writing from junior staff in order to flaunt his or her authority and ability may not be a wise idea for well-behaved and well-reputed manager.


Shiro Matsu 证明社会主义初级阶段就要结束了

December 13, 2008


Shiro Matsu



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